Another newbie

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SW Florida
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Hello all.

I am new to here, and to scuba. I just finished up with my academics and pool work. I will be getting my OW cert this coming weekend down in the srpings of Forida. I can't wait.

I am 26 years old, and was intriduced to scuba from my g/f's father who is an experienced cave diver. I hope to be joining him caving next year.

That's about it. Take care y'all.
Hi and welcome to the boards, :wave:

New diver to Cave diver in one year?
sounds like a lot of training and diving.
Keep us posted on your progress!

There is a lot of information and very helpful people here.

Big James,
Welcome to the Board, from NJ!
Good luck on the OW dives.
Enjoy the sport, it's a great one .
Welcome! You've got alot of diving and training ahead of you!
Hello and welcome... from Canada. You'll have a grand time here.
Thanks for the warm welcome! I know I am in for a LOT of training, but as long as I can afford it, I think I can handle it. I am one of those type of people that always want to go all out when I do something.

Anyway, I think by sometime next year I should be able to atelast be doing cave intro, as I will be diving 1 weekend a month for a 3 day weekend and getting anywhere from 6 to 8 dives in. Besides, everyone that I dive with is either full cave, or doing their intro to cave and are cavern cert. I can't be left out!!!

Thanks again. This board is great!!
Hi from kingston Ontario Canada.. welcome to the SCUBA Board. Hope you enjoy the forum

Hope all your days are wet ones, Or dry depending how you dive. Dive Safe.


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