IT was discussed at length on the west coast. The local dive community is pretty much in agreement on these issues (with of course a few dissenting votes).
1. The diver should not have been on the dive. Open water in 700 feet with a live boat and strong currents. Diver has only 24 lifetime dives with the most recent being 3 months before. This was clearly labled an advance dive. The diver in question was not an advance diver (may have/or not had an AOW, but not the experience or physical conditioning to back it up).
2. The dive buddies were real schmucks. No other word for it. They failed miserably as dive buddies. They lost a dive buddy, and did nothing, and said nothing to anyone.
3. The DM made an error and counted him back on the boat and then back in the water at the new site.
4. The diver by his own admission made no attempt to swim to the boat upon surfacing, or to the oil rigs. Current may have been too strong but any effort would have retarded his progress away from the boat.