Suggestion Annoying articles on Home Page

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New Jersey
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I think that the SB home page should include more "Latest Posts" and get rid of that annoying "Articles" column alongside. The articles seldom change; They take up valuable space and are generally worthless. Most are just whines that belong in the general forums and are seldom if ever moderated. C'mon guys.
...or they could make an effort to post more topical articles.

I bet there are plenty of posters on SB who would be willing to put together more thoughtful pieces on topical issues or new gear, and who have the knowledge and experience to do so.
...or they could make an effort to post more topical articles.

I bet there are plenty of posters on SB who would be willing to put together more thoughtful pieces on topical issues or new gear, and who have the knowledge and experience to do so.

Agreed...but until such time, I vote to get rid of it. I'm not sure why it's even there? The same tripe week after week. No change...?
It's on the Extreme Make-Over wish list.

AFAIK, no resources have been committed though yet.
Speaking for myself, I start in the forums list. So I'm indifferent about what's on the homepage. Usually the first thing I do is hit New Posts in the forums menubar.
I start on User CP so I go straight to my watched threads, but I agree with tridacna - it is like having an ugly front door.

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