Anilao Lenses

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Headed to Anilao mid-September. Never been to Anilao. Usually travel with dome and macro ports. Use R5 with 16-35mm, 8-15mm Fisheye and 100mm with SMC-1 and flip adapter. Should I even bother bringing the dome port and wide angle lenses? Or just use 100mm and SMC-1 every day? Will be there for 5 days of diving.

You'll find much more use with the macro & diopter.
I spent about ten days there and other than a day trip to Sombrero Island and Arthur's Rock (if I recall correctly), everything was macro.

The area just lends itself to macro.
You'll find much more use with the macro & diopter.
I spent about ten days there and other than a day trip to Sombrero Island and Arthur's Rock (if I recall correctly), everything was macro.

The area just lends itself to macro.
Concur. Macro. Been there three times (Aiyanar). Wonderful.
Stick to macro, but if you have a shorter focal length lens like a 50mm or 60mm macro. then bring that too as it will be useful for larger subjects like giant frogfish, rhinopia etc.
Hour was Anilao?
Where did you stay?
Was it your first time?

I visited in 2019 and thoroughly enjoyed it.
Other than a few rare ghost pipe fish, rhinopia, and hairy frog fish, I saw pretty much everything.
First time in Anilao, 2nd trip to Philippines. Good trip. First day was a little silty with runoff from tropical storm. Otherwise it was great. We stayed at Aiyanar. Nice place. Road is washed out, so currently need to drive all the way to bottom and back up to get to all resorts. Wife and I had boat to ourselves and first couple of days, the entire resort to ourselves. Staff is friendly. Food is good. Our dive guide, Dad was amazing. We could not find Bobbit Worm, Harlequin Shrimp and Flamboyant Cuttle Fish. Otherwise found everything.
First time in Anilao, 2nd trip to Philippines. Good trip. First day was a little silty with runoff from tropical storm. Otherwise it was great. We stayed at Aiyanar. Nice place. Road is washed out, so currently need to drive all the way to bottom and back up to get to all resorts. Wife and I had boat to ourselves and first couple of days, the entire resort to ourselves. Staff is friendly. Food is good. Our dive guide, Dad was amazing. We could not find Bobbit Worm, Harlequin Shrimp and Flamboyant Cuttle Fish. Otherwise found everything.

And where are the pictures you took there?????
They are all Raw files waiting to be processed. Here are two.


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