Ambergris Caye, Belize - Review. Do not dive with "Aqua Dives"

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Sacramento, CA
Howdy folks,

Just thought I'd drop some opinions from our great 10 day trip to Ambergris Caye. My girlfriend and I are new divers and we are 27 years old.

We stayed at Caribbean Villas the entire time. The hotel was perfect. Quiet, nice, clean, and a very accomodating, helpful staff. It was a healthy walk to town and dive shops---sometimes the walk felt long if we were tired before dinner. They had bikes to rent at the hotel though.

Dive trips: We dived 5 days. Our first dive was Hol Chan and a snorkel at Shark/Ray Alley. This was a perfect intro dive for my girlfriend (she was just certified, and this was her first dive). We used Ecologic divers and we were quite happy with them. The cost was $60 for the 1 tank dive and snorkel (with a park fee).

2nd day was with Ocean Adventures. The dive shop was the closest to our hotel, so we thought we'd try 'em. It was $60 for a 2 tank dive (ecologic and protech are $75). We were happy with the divemaster, and boat---however the divemaster said he was leaving for ecologic in a week.

3rd day of diving we went with Ocean Aventures, but our divemaster we liked didn't show up (called in sick or something??) so we were picked up by a boat from Ramons. The divemaster seemed very experienced, and was gave us helpful tips for diving (which was nice for us). Quite happy with Ramons.

4th day we decided to go the blue hole, and asked Ocean Adventures to book it. We later found out, there's basically only 2-3 boats that go to the Blue Hole from San Pedro. Ocean Adventures booked us with Aqua Dives ( I cannot explain how horribly run this dive boat was, and is the main reason for this post. See below for our horror story.

5th day was with ecologic again. We did a night dive at hol chan. Again very happy with Ecologic. If we continued to dive, we would used Ecologic, or try Protech/Amigos Del Mar (heard good things on the island about them)

Aqua Dive/Blue Hole Dive Review:

#1 the boat clearly had enough seats for 15 divers (comfortable) and 20 divers (max). We started off the trip with 22 divers, and it was already feeling cramped with the 4 member boat crew. After we took off, we were told that we had to pick up a couple snorkelers up at caye caulker. We later found out that the conditions were so bad, that the snorkelers boat would not go out. Instead of a couple snorkelers, we picked up 9. There was 35 people on this boat. MISERABLE experience. The weather conditions (although no aqua dives fault) were bad. There were not enough seats inside the covered cabin portion of the boat, and people (including us) were sitting on the back of the boat (we got COMPLETELY soaked due to the HUGE swells, I had to wear my wet suit the entire time to stay warm), people were sitting on buoys, and ice chests, all the crew were standing. The boat was nailing hard swells as we FLEW over 'em. THere was crates of weights sliding all over the boat, and people flying off their seats. The attitude on the boat at first was sort of fun, as we hit a couple big wakes, then turned to more misery. Several people puking, soaking, and everyone cramped. It turned a bit to fear for us, as I saw someone fly off their seat. I decided for us to put on our wet suits, not only because we were already soaked, but also because I saw no lifejackets on board.

The dives themselves were compeltely rushed, with no sense of order. We were ordered into the water like it was a boot camp... the boat captain was yelling at me from his cockpit to "Go Down Now" as I waited for my girlfriend (and dive buddy) to enter the water. People were confused on who they were following, as there was just so much chaos and people. You couldn't even bend over to put on your fins. My girlfriend was physically pushed over by the divemaster as he rushed around trying to maintain order. This was one of those boats that people get forgot on. My girlfriend did not finish the 3rd dive, because of her frustration, and confusion, she wasn't comfortable diving any more.

After the blue hole dive, they told us all the tanks were replaced. About 5-6 people said their tanks weren't replaced. One guy did not check his gauge, and had an out of air situation under water. He grabbed the divemasters secondary, and continued the dive with the divemaster (they did not even go up!!)!

We did not have enough gas at Half Moon Caye to get us home. We had to drive up to a large live aboard, and get gas from them to get us home. I believe we ran out of gas again, because after we reached the barrier reef, we had to stop off at another caye to fill up the tanks. At which point the snorkelers were told to get off the boat, and some other "taxi" would take them to caye caulker. We sat around for 30 minutes while they filled up the gas tanks with 22 people on board. They at least told the guy in the back to put out his cigarrette. It was dark and about 6:00pm at this point. We finally got home at 6:40pm.

I complained to the owner of aqua dives the next day, and they just told us that everything was fine, and that the boat was coast guard approved for up to 35 people. He actually told me that he only had 27 divers/snorkelers listed on his booking sheet. Which was clearly not true, (I did a head count several times). They don't even keep good records of who's getting on their boat---seen "Open Water"?!?!

As a side note, I found out the Aqua Dive trip to the blue hole the day before us got stuck on a reef! They had no communications device (cellular/radio) to call in for help. They physically had to flag down another boat after several hours of waiting!!!!

The trip/company is clearly about maximizing profit, at the expense of our enjoyability. It cost us more than $400 between the both of us, not chump change. They offered no rebate, or any ways to make it right. They didn't even apologize. We were very unhappy with this outfit---they were not only poor at running the boat and dives, I believe it was a very unsafe operatoin.

Hope this helps --- I plan to complain to PADI, Belize Coast Guard?, and the Tourism board for belize.

I asked around, and apparently Aqua Dives has a pretty poor reputation. Do your homework before you book. If you dive the blue hole, I have heard good things about Amigos Del Mar. We saw their boat the same day, and it looked very comfortable, with half as many people as us (on a larger boat).

San Pedro is wonderful, and our overall trip was awesome. I'd recommend it to divers and non-divers alike.

p.s. if you have any questions about A.C., let me know... we got to know the island pretty good.
Oh, one more note, the boat we had was not even their new "52 foot boat" listed on their website. Probably a 40-something footer. The 52 foot boat was probably the one that got stuck on the reef (damaged?). All speculation of course.
Sorry to hear about your trip. That was a bummer for sure.
For anyone reading this thread I will give some learned advice about Belize and the Blue Hole trips.
When you get up on the day of your scheduled trip to the BH, check the wind and local conditions. If it's blowing 15 mph, you're in for a rough ride.....20+ mph, very uncomfortable. Also important, check the wind direction. If the wind is from the north/nwest, you're in for a very rough and wet ride, especially coming home. It's hard to see the rough seas from the beach in San Pedro on north wind days. These days are most frequent between Nov and March. It's your call.
I complained to the owner of aqua dives the next day, and they just told us that everything was fine, and that the boat was coast guard approved for up to 35 people. He actually told me that he only had 27 divers/snorkelers listed on his booking sheet. Which was clearly not true, (I did a head count several times). They don't even keep good records of who's getting on their boat---seen "Open Water"?!?!

Makes me wonder if the DMs don't have a little scam going on, selling dive trips on the side, getting the people on the boat and pocketing the money. Did anyone tip the crew for that wonderful trip?

On the other hand, you'll find when you travel outside the USA you don't get all the meticulous safety routines that you get here. If you could do a head count, how do you know the crew wasn't doing one as well?

Also, you booked a dive trip not a pleasure cruise. Expect to get wet on a boat. Expect to be cramped on a cattle boat. And whatever you do or wherever you go in the Caribbean, expect delays.
Oh, one more note, the boat we had was not even their new "52 foot boat" listed on their website. Probably a 40-something footer. The 52 foot boat was probably the one that got stuck on the reef (damaged?). All speculation of course.

You're correct. Their new big boat was still stuck on the reef, last I heard.

A general point. If you think there could possibly be a link between the price you pay and the quality of the service you receive then you would also be right. The main things are numbers of people on a boat and staff/guest ratios - improving these numbers is very costly, and that money has to come from somewhere. It's not for nothing that a number of dive centers in San Pedro have recently increased their prices considerably - increased costs have made it unavoidable if standards are not to drop.

Please get costs in perspective. How much did these people save by leaving their first dive operator (Ecologic, one of the best), with whom they were apparently very satisfied, and "playing the market"? And what was that saving as a proportion of the total cost of their holiday?

I have known people refuse to pay $25 for a snorkel trip with us in the morning, and instead spend a couple of hours tramping the beach looking for something cheaper. In that case they went for $23, a saving of $2 each, but that cost them a morning when they could have been in the water but instead were hot and dusty on the beach.

I don't mean you should be undiscriminating, but you should get it in proportion, remembering what it's cost you to be in a position to do 10 dives in the Caribbean. What does the average dive holiday cost per dive? Is another $10-$20 for each dive material?

Don't expect Rolls Royce standards for Ford prices.
I've dived with Aqua Dives on two different trips. I had an excellent experience both time. I've recommended them to others more times than I can count. I think it's a little unfair of you to bash them for 1 day trip. Bad weather can make any day on any boat seem much worse than it is. Especially if your new to diving and the boats in general.
I think you have every right to say you didn't enjoy your 1 day with Aqua Dives, but to boldy post not to dive with them is a little much.
>I think it's a little unfair of you to bash them for 1 day trip.

I think it's entirely fair. We invested $400, and we expected it to be at the very least safe. Yes, even though it is a dive boat, it's not the navy seals---this is a recreation sport with various levels of skill and health on these boats. Our experience, with specific instances of our problems gives me good reason to provide the feedback I did. Unfortunately I didn't have the resources, or time to do a thorough review of the organization. Enough was enough.

Also, I talked with a couple local dive shops about their reputation after our trip, and not one had a good thing to say. Several people on the boat had the same issues as I did (experienced divers) and were planning on cancelling their multi day dive trips. They're new boat got stuck on a reef and they had no way of communicating for help---what does that tell you?!?!

Hope you continue to have good experiences.... good luck.


p.s. they also never checked our dive cards
p.p.s one good thing was their rum punch at the end.
You're correct. Their new big boat was still stuck on the reef, last I heard.

A general point. If you think there could possibly be a link between the price you pay and the quality of the service you receive then you would also be right. The main things are numbers of people on a boat and staff/guest ratios - improving these numbers is very costly, and that money has to come from somewhere. It's not for nothing that a number of dive centers in San Pedro have recently increased their prices considerably - increased costs have made it unavoidable if standards are not to drop.

Please get costs in perspective. How much did these people save by leaving their first dive operator (Ecologic, one of the best), with whom they were apparently very satisfied, and "playing the market"? And what was that saving as a proportion of the total cost of their holiday?

I have known people refuse to pay $25 for a snorkel trip with us in the morning, and instead spend a couple of hours tramping the beach looking for something cheaper. In that case they went for $23, a saving of $2 each, but that cost them a morning when they could have been in the water but instead were hot and dusty on the beach.

I don't mean you should be undiscriminating, but you should get it in proportion, remembering what it's cost you to be in a position to do 10 dives in the Caribbean. What does the average dive holiday cost per dive? Is another $10-$20 for each dive material?

Don't expect Rolls Royce standards for Ford prices.

I mostly agree---which is why I posted this. Our loss, readers gain. This was not really a "dive trip" per se, so we didn't do much homework ahead of time. In retrospect, we loved the diving so much, we booked more trips than we expected. Had we known this, we would have done a little more homework. I think Ramons is a great value for a good operation. Also, I think safety is not something we should pay extra for. I think Amigos Del Mar's boat was the same price any ways.

Also, I went up to Protech and asked your desk guy straight up, why is your shop $75 for 2 tanks, and Ocean Adventures $60.... he just said "I don't know" --- seriously. So we walked away.

Makes me wonder if the DMs don't have a little scam going on, selling dive trips on the side, getting the people on the boat and pocketing the money. Did anyone tip the crew for that wonderful trip?

On the other hand, you'll find when you travel outside the USA you don't get all the meticulous safety routines that you get here. If you could do a head count, how do you know the crew wasn't doing one as well?

Also, you booked a dive trip not a pleasure cruise. Expect to get wet on a boat. Expect to be cramped on a cattle boat. And whatever you do or wherever you go in the Caribbean, expect delays.

I don't think the crew was that sneaky---they honestly we're working pretty hard, just very busy and unorganized, and compromised the enjoyment and safety of their guests by overbooking the boat by 100% (IMHO of course). I felt this to be mostly an business decision of Aqua Dive.

Yes, god bless the USA --- my local dive spot is Monterey, California. All boats are professional, and very serious when it comes to safety. There are X amount of spots on the boats (19 on my favorite 42 footer), and when they are full, they do not book any more.

Regarding the head counting. They did "role call" by first names, (One lady's real name was "Patricia" and they were calling off "Kelly" and she was saying "here'") ... also, I was amused hearing: "Robert [here], John [here], Robert [here]"

I'm not really planning on expecting miserable dive boat trips---it's not really a market of mine. I'm not talking about weather or conditions either.

Imagine paying for a taxi for 4 people, and the driver picks up 4 of his friends and shoves them in the taxi---do you expect to pay the same?
Also, I went up to Protech and asked your desk guy straight up, why is your shop $75 for 2 tanks, and Ocean Adventures $60.... he just said "I don't know" --- seriously. So we walked away.

What sort of answer did you expect from the guy on the counter? I wouldn't have given you a straight answer.

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