Am I getting over my head?

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Laughlin AFB, Del Rio TX
I am brand new at diving. I am PADI certified, but got that 5 yrs ago in Hawaii and haven't been since. I am now trying to get back into it but don't know where to start. I have been looking on the internet and trying to educate myself on what gear to buy but I don't have a clue....
I just ordered a new Mares Esa Mask and that is all so far. I am fixing to buy some Atomic Split Fins because they sound like the newest and best thing out. Though, I am almost persuaded to buy some Quattro's. The other items I have looked at are the Mares Dragon fly BC's, Mares Abyss MR-22 Regualtor, and some Dive Computers.
My question is, do I really need to be spending that much money on my equiptment and is Mares and Dacor like the better brands?
I only plan to be recretional diving in a nearby lake for now but plan on making it to Hawaii, Bahammas, and to Okinawa Japan. Therefore, I want quality that will last and I won't have to upgrade, but should I still be buying these particular items.....
Also, should I buy a Dive Computer? Are they really that helpful?
I appreciate all the help I can get! I just don't want to go out there blind and try buying equiptment when I have no clue.
Thankyou so much,

Welcome Back to the underwater world. First off if your just gonna do rec diving I wouldn't really dump a whole lot of money into it unless you plan on getting seriously into diving.
Starting with a BC:
1. Do you want to go back inflated or vest style BC?

1. What type of enviroment are you gonna dive?
(deep, cold, wreck, cave etc.)

Split fins are the newest on the market and people enjoy them and some don't. Look at reviews to get an idea of whats out there.

The GREATEST pc of advice I have is to rent first before you buy! That is the best thing anyone who is buying new equipment can do!

Here is a short list of what I have and maybe some other divers that reply to your thread will list some of theirs for you aswell.

I have the following:
Zeagle Ranger BC (rear inflated)
Apeks TX50 with TX40 Octo (cold water regulator)
Mares Avanti Quattro's

Back up:
US Divers Blades
US Divers Conshelf 21 regulator

Dive Safe...

Hey Skyfighter & All,

Most of the agencies have a refresher course, and I know that PADI for sure has one. Your best bet would be to NOT try and re-invent the wheel, but to go take one of them. Your instructor can aprise what type of equipment you need and give you some good direction. It will be biased towards equipment he likes or is used to , but you should find that he has your best interest at heart.

As for the gear, I agree with Aardal... RENT FIRST. Make sure you are able to give SCUBA diving the commitment that buying gear entails first. If you find yourself diving regularly again, then you will probably have a better idea as to what works for you. No one will think less of you if you rent your equipment in the beginning.

Pete from Orlando...
I agree, rent and take a refresher course. You will be glad you did.
Before you do any diving I would recommend that you take a refresher course to refamiliarize yourself with diving.

Then read, look and ask questions. This is the best and most friendly place on the planet or the sky to get the answers you are looking for.

The fins....the Quatros are great fins and you will be happy with them forever.

Mask.....this is personal prefrence, whatever fits and doesn't leak on your face.

The BC......IMHO you should get either an aluminum or a plastic backplate with some recreational or travel wings. THe pack up really nice and are really great to dive with.

Regs......Mares makes good regs and they should give you years of execellent service.

Lake vs Ocean.......Totally new ball game. Viz sucks, water is green or brown, fish are ugly with no color and it is easy to stir up the bottom and make viz even worse.
But hey, it's diving.

Hope this helps you.
If you have any questions, we are here to help and offer out advice to all. Even if you have any medical questions, our board of MDs is second to none and reads like the "Who's Who" in the Medical Profession.
I love to give those guys strokes, it makes them feel good.

Worked F-15Cs and F-15Es as an Aircraft Machinist. After 4 years since I retired, the sound of an Eagle still causes me to stop and look up, man I still love that sound.

All the other recommendations are good, but I'll add my $.02. Check into any local diving clubs close by. You'll find a wealth of information available there, without the pressure of someone trying to make you a sell. There may also be an Instructor or DM associated with the club willing to take you under their wing and re-show you the ropes, for minimal, or no cost. You'll also be able to get local opinions on gear and dive shop recommendations. Renting first is a good recommendation, but the problem is, most shops don't have all the different BCs and Regs they sell, in their rental dept., especially if your looking for high end stuff. Some shops offer try before you buy, but this is not a common practice. A computer is a great tool, but it won't keep you from getting bent, any more than a dive table will, if it's not used properly. It will however, give you much more flexibility in your diving. Hope this helps. IF you're ever TDY to AAFB Guam, drop me a line and I'll take you diving!
Dive Safe,

Originally posted by DennisW
I agree, rent and take a refresher course. You will be glad you did.

..... and ask questions. Like others have said, some of your equipment choices will depend on the type of diving you'll do. If only in the southern area, you shouldn't have to worry to much about ice and cold temps - which greatly affect what kind of reg, suit you get.... any way just my 0.02

All the advice everyone gave you is excellent. Take a refresher course, rent, talk to your local dive shop, and instructors.
And thanks so much for talking to my son last night. When I saw you have done exactly what he is about to do with his life, you being his mentor was the best thing that could happen to him, at this time in his life. I know he added you to his buddy list.
Hey if I could find my husband on line, you can find anything on here! Ha!
Thanks again, good luck, and hope we can dive with you some day soon.
I have a question about the ESA mask. Have you ever actually dove with one? Or tried one on? The mask, to me, is one of the most crucial items. If it doesn't make a seal and leaks on you, it can completely ruin you dive!

Although you can't truly tell if a mask is going to leak until you get it in the water, you can get a good idea just by trying it on. The 6 window feature is a good one, but just make sure it fits you before you dive with it.

(Sorry, is in her "mom mode"!) :)

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