air bubbles from 5050

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Southern California
I finally got back from 2 weeks of training and decided to test the PT-015. I took it into my pool and when I submerged it.. some air bubbles began to come out of some buttons and the seal where the case is. After a while though it disapeared. Is this normal?
My PT-10 will bubble a few minutes at the hinge and the latch. It's not leaking, empty air space is being replaced with water.

Did you get any water inside the housing? If not, it was probably just normal air displacement.
Same experience with the PT015 here - first dive with it yesterday, stuck it in tank first - MANY bubbles! Pulled it out, dry inside, repeated test a few times - same result, lots of bubbles from hinge side buttons. 2 x 20m dives OK but scared me - I'm deeply in love with my new C5050. Dived a year with C2Z and Olympus housing - not a bubble from that - is it something to do with the double O-ring on PT015?
Yep - same thing happened to me - inside was dry so no worries.

However - BIG worries Re O rings. Olympus Europe don't stock these items !! What - yes it's true. Call Olympus and make a fuss. Maybe they'll get there act together if enough people call. The US do but wont ship to the UK, and Japan don't give a damn.

I managed to get a spare set from Cameras Underwater 08700 660 384.

Hey Blue
I'm going to leap to the defence of Olympus Japan here - maybe the UK/European/Oz distributors aren't up to scratch - maybe they run at very low stock levels- that's outside my experience - but as a foreigner living in Japan I've dealt with Olympus Japan 6 or 7 times over the last couple of years - each time I've come away totally impressed by their high level of service and top staff who know their product inside out.
OK OK - you are prob right. My main beef is with Olympus Europe - I sent a couple of mails to Japn and had nothing back from them

Wrong to tar them with the same brush but I was just frustrated ! Grrrrr.

I'm glad Olympus JPare on the ball


Hi Blue
Sending technical English emails cold to Japanese companies probably isn't going to meet with a lot of success (would a Japanese mail sent to a big UK company do any better?), but I'd encourage anyone to try and make contact with an English-speaking service rep first - before sending a technical type question - these people really are incredibly helpful once you get past the language thing.
By the by...I'm new to Scuba Board, but have any of the moderators tried to interest Olympus, Canon etc in joining in this forum as a member?
Back on topic - has anyone got any further thoughts about the PT015 bubbles? I was seeing way too many to simply be air trapped in buttons...
Yes - I was forgetting myself - air bubbles !

I get a lot of bubbles from the housing and it was alarming at first. Most seem to come from the hinge and the buttons on top / side left. But proof of the pudding is in the eating and the housing is bone dry inside.

I hope this isn't an indication of a fault.

Any one else ?



ps - I'm also interested in settings for the 5050 ( no strobe) - anyone got any tips.

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