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Reaction score
Greater Los Angeles
# of dives
50 - 99
I have a block of free time (10 days) week after next and thinking of taking a short break to the Bahamas. Think perhaps I will do 5 days of diving in Freeport with UNEXSO (really interested in the Shark dive) and 4 days with Stuart Cove in Nassau (interested in the wall dives).

I know it's hurricane season and that's always a slim possibility but what are the chances of other parameters that would affect diving - i.e rain and winds? Are there any particular dive sites that stand out on Grand Bahama and New Providence islands?
thanks for the recommendation Tavi! will put it on my list, still debating on going though due to weather concerns
Just a quick report:

I spent 4 days in Freeport and 4 days in Key Largo with the intention of doing 10-12 dives including the Spiegel Grove which was the highlight. Unfortunately due to a "tropical wave" that had formed somewhere far away in the Caribbean it was causing weather way too rough to dive... at least that was the consensus by the experts.

Thanks to Grand Bahama Scuba for doing their best to schedule some dives despite the weather, I managed to do 4 dives at Duncans wreck, Theo's wreck, Pygmy caves and Shark Junction. All dives were VERY good. I was a bit bummed that I could not dive more but that's just the risk of coming here during the off season I guess.

The diving in the Keys was way worse, I got to do just 2 dives as all diving was canceled due to weather issues. My plans of diving the Spiegel Grove were out the window and there is nothing much else to do in Key Largo except "swim with dolphins" which I am very much against... so I took off to explore Key West for a day and stayed in the hotel the other day. The 2 dives I did were at French Reef with Rainbow Reef divers who were absolutely excellent - there were only 4 of us on the boat and Rainbow run a great operation. Viz was somewhat low for the Caribbean (around 40ft) but the reef was very nice!

The weather was actually not so much of a big deal, here in CA we are used to 4-6 ft seas as normal, apparently in the Caribbean it is considered almost undiveable weather LOL !

Perhaps I will have better luck next time by going in the right season.

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