Suggestion Adding images

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SDE Dennis

SDE Dennis

ScubaBoard Sponsor
ScubaBoard Sponsor
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Central Pennsylvania
# of dives
500 - 999
When I want to ad an image to a post I first have to upload it to a website to ad it to my post. I noticed on some other forums you can do that or browse your computer for the file. Is it possible to ad that feature?
When I want to ad an image to a post I first have to upload it to a website to ad it to my post. I noticed on some other forums you can do that or browse your computer for the file. Is it possible to ad that feature?
You mean like this? :)


  • Coz 244.jpg
    Coz 244.jpg
    259.3 KB · Views: 32
Click "Go Advanced" then the paperclip icon...

Or if you want a fullsized image in your post upload it to the Photo Gallery here then link to it using the Image icon - the yellow one with the mtns/sun just above the reply window...

I think those are the only two options the .vbulletin software has...

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