Adding a Resource
"Resources" is a new feature introduced in the ScubaBoard 2021 upgrade. Please explore the Resources that are approved to get a feel for how they work and are formatted.
Step 1: Click "Your resources"
Step 2: Click the "Add resource" button
Step 3: Click the Resource category you want it in.
Step 4: Enter the title and tag line
Step 5: Click on one of the following. Attach the file when you choose "Uploaded files".
Important factors to consider that can effect your choice between Uploaded and External download are:
- An uploaded file is on the ScubaBoard server, a copy of the source. This is problematic where copyrights restrict free distribution
- An external downloaded file lives on the source server, but that link will break when the source website reorganizes — changing the URL, which government and academic institutions do all the time.
Step 5: Leave blank or enter a version number if you plan future changes
Step 6: Enter the message you want displayed. Look at existing Resources for ideas.
Step 7: Tags are often left blank but can be used as a search criteria.
Step 8: This is normally left bank.
Step 9: You can load a small avatar-like graphic that relates to the Resource. Look at the existing Resources for examples.
Continued in the next post
Use Report to correct broken links, typos, or make suggestions.