Accident in Monterrey, CA

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Reaction score
Northern Cali
# of dives
100 - 199
I was at Monterrey this weekend (Sept 24 and 25) for my open water certification dives. Our dives were being done in San Carlos beach by the Coast Guard breakwater.

While preparing to do dive #5, I witnessed a group of people attending to and perfromaing CPR on an unconscious female diver. Shortly after, emergency crews arrived to attend to the diver.

The unofficial word is that she lost her regulator and failed to retrieve it. I'm not sure how true that is since I heard that from people where were pretty removed from the situation.

An instructor from my class was saying that the emergency crews were saying that the diver would make it.

Edit: Please let me know if it is appropriate to title this post as an accident or incident. Hopefully, I'll never need to know the difference either way but...
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I have somewhat of a differasnt version;
my wife and I had just finish packing upwhen the camotion started when we got over to the wall she was being pulled in by a rescue diver from way past the surf zone she was unconscious and not breathing(kudos to the folks that brought her back)
a non-diver lady ran down the beach in wedge heels and started cpr afew guys got o2 bottles and the race was on after a couple of minutes they got some h2o out of her lungs and finally got a pulse, with ems now there they took over got an i.v. started and intebated her to remove more fluid, while she was breathing on her own she was not very responsive. From what I could hear up on the wall was she had some problems in trying to surface?

If anyone has anything further please post it, my wife was pretty upset and would like to know the outcome.
Bigdog and the Shark
Good for you, Chuck - helping out with the earlier incident with the older male.
big dog13:
I have somewhat of a differasnt version;
my wife and I had just finish packing upwhen the camotion started when we got over to the wall she was being pulled in by a rescue diver from way past the surf zone she was unconscious and not breathing(kudos to the folks that brought her back)
a non-diver lady ran down the beach in wedge heels and started cpr afew guys got o2 bottles and the race was on after a couple of minutes they got some h2o out of her lungs and finally got a pulse, with ems now there they took over got an i.v. started and intebated her to remove more fluid, while she was breathing on her own she was not very responsive. From what I could hear up on the wall was she had some problems in trying to surface?

If anyone has anything further please post it, my wife was pretty upset and would like to know the outcome.
Bigdog and the Shark

I was diving at the time but, the diver that pulled her out was my instructor and the lady that started CPR was a nurse from our class that didn't get to dive on Sunday. What I know is that she was in about 8ft of water when the incident occured. (Not sure what the cause was) but she was unconcious when she surfaced. The lady that was doing CPR said they did get a pulse but when EMS arrived she still hadn't started breathing on her own. By the time EMS left with her she was breathing but it was very labored. That is all the info I have.
big dog13:
I have somewhat of a differasnt version;
my wife and I had just finish packing upwhen the camotion started when we got over to the wall she was being pulled in by a rescue diver from way past the surf zone she was unconscious and not breathing(kudos to the folks that brought her back)
a non-diver lady ran down the beach in wedge heels and started cpr afew guys got o2 bottles and the race was on after a couple of minutes they got some h2o out of her lungs and finally got a pulse, with ems now there they took over got an i.v. started and intebated her to remove more fluid, while she was breathing on her own she was not very responsive. From what I could hear up on the wall was she had some problems in trying to surface?

If anyone has anything further please post it, my wife was pretty upset and would like to know the outcome.
Bigdog and the Shark


I was one of the few people did the initial CPR on the female diver who almost drowned a couple of weeks ago. Here is what I have heard today about the female diver's condition. A friend who lives in Monterey area has told me today that the diver did not die. She was in the hospital 3 days and released.

Safe Diver = Experience + Continuing Education

the "Shark"

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