Acceptable Gear Bag Size for Boat

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For home storage, I have been keeping my gear in a big black tupperware type tub (actually, the company is Sterilite). The dimensions are 32" long by 19" deep by 15.5" tall. Would this be an acceptable size for bringing on most boats?

Thank you kindly
Dave Walker
I also store my gear in a rubbermaid bin. I drilled 1 1/4 inch holes at the tops of the sides for air circulation and make sure everything is really REALLY dry before storage. When I go diving I pack my gear in a mesh duffel bag and I have a smaller gym bag to bring along personal essentials (towel, socks ect). I wouldn"t think of taking the bin on the boat, granted it's not any bigger than a fully loaded bag but as you don your gear my bag fits neatly out of the way under a bench, the bin never changes size. depends on the type of boat you are going on. Here in NC if you are doing a normal size boat that takes 12 divers.....a tub is not appreciated and in some cases just not allowed. Space is beyond at a minimum and tubs are trip hazards. If it cant be stuffed under the bench seat, it isnt good.

I use the Armor XL mesh back with back straps. Works fine in getting all the gear minus the tanks of course...from the car to the boat.....and back. I know someone will come up and say they leak....I can live with that.

Just my thoughts
For home storage, I have been keeping my gear in a big black tupperware type tub (actually, the company is Sterilite). The dimensions are 32" long by 19" deep by 15.5" tall. Would this be an acceptable size for bringing on most boats?

Thank you kindly
Dave Walker

As Rich said, it really depends. Most times it's not a problem, but on a recent boat dive in Florida, the crew made everyone remove their gear from their primary dive bag (no matter how big the size of the bag)...the crew then stored all the bags (was only five of them) for the duration of the 3-hour trip--apparently it was their "policy"...needless to say, it was not convenient at all (and IMHO created more of a space/tripping-hazard issue).

Although the bins are acceptable on most boats, the best bet would be to call ahead and find out what size bag (or bin) would be acceptable.
For home storage, I have been keeping my gear in a big black tupperware type tub (actually, the company is Sterilite). The dimensions are 32" long by 19" deep by 15.5" tall. Would this be an acceptable size for bringing on most boats?

Thank you kindly
Dave Walker
Good question!

Space is at a premium on all boats and flexibility is a requirement. Obviously the answer will vary with the boat, but I'd say that your box is too big for most. Everything you need to dive with beyond your tanks, bcd and regulators should fit under the bench you're sitting on, only rarely will there be enough space for a box as big as yours. The best answer is probably a mesh bag, if you want to keep the tub for home storage (stacking is a good thing) a mesh bag should still fit nicely inside it.
If everyone brought on some kind of hard luggage, there would be no room on the boat for the divers. There is always someone in the crowd that looks for personal advantage at the expense of others. When this happens often enough, the result is inflexible rules and everyone loses. Please carry your gear in a soft bag that will colapse under the bench.
Here in Jeddah, the boats I go on are 48 footers, and have decent space for storing your gear. However, some people bring their gear in giant bags, which are great for the beach, but not a boat. The other problem is that even if everyone brought compact gear bags, there can be so many divers that some people are forced to put their bag here or there. There is always space for 21 divers to sit side by side, but not necessarily for 21 people's gear. Only so many people's gear can fit under the bench. That's why I try to get to the boat earlier than others, so I can set my little station in my preferred corner. I use a soft gear bag, which collapses nicely once I set my gear up before departure. Also, I like to use HP tanks, as they are DIN, and almost everyone else uses the regular Al tanks. Otherwise, most people just take the first tank they see, without regard for who is using that particular area. That's one of MY pet peeves, as well as excess gear baggage.
I love my Sterilite 66 qts -- even the fins fit in them. Each of us has her own box for her own gear, and they work great in the back of the pickup. Just grab a weight belt and a tank and go!

However, this does not work on our boat (even though the boxes nest into one unit.) So we use soft mesh bags instead. ProMate makes a great bag that has a wide fin pocket (fins, snorkel and boots), an outside pocket (soft mask case, gloves, hood) and a roomy mesh interior (wetsuit, regs and BC.) Again, grab a weight belt and tank and you're set!

I still carry a Sterilite tub or two for wet gear on the ride home, and dry bags are good for towels and a change of clothes.
And the mesh bag stuffs back into its outside pocket -- very convenient!
I have used different options. When I go rec diving on one of the charterboats(80 ft? long) here in the channel islands I bring a big mesh bag with my wetsuit and fins and a milk crate with my BC and all my little stuff. I can fit my crate under the bench and the mesh bag goes in the bottom of the crate and everything else on top. I have seen people use 5 gallon buckets and they wrap their BC around the bucket to keep their weight belt and their mask/fins/gloves/knife in. I usually get there early and pick myself a good spot but different situations require different solutions. The big hard boxes are kind of a nuisance though.

At home gear is stored in milk crates. I have single crates, two stacked (tied)together w/ the floor removed from the top one, also a single and a half (which I use most).
The boat i use most has large open deck in middle where wet gear is kept for the trip.
the single and a half allows breakables like mask to be stored safely and the bottom for goodie bags, hood, gloves, ankle weights, etc.
Some boats I know don't have the storage for the 1 1/2, but can handle a single, so I modify to single box.
If I don't know the boat, I bring mess bag just incase I have to leave the box in the car.

When traveling by air, of course, it is soft bags only.

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