Suggestion A&I Summaries of Known Facts Posts

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Ottawa, Canada
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100 - 199
Recently in the Accidents and Incidents forum, the Mods have been collecting known facts in a single post, and updating that post as they come out. (Thanks, CD, Uncle Ricky and any others I might have missed.)

One suggestion is to periodically post a link in the thread back to the summary post. It might not have have to be after every single edit (although that might help tracking the history of changes) and maybe not even more than once a day.

For people following the thread and periodically checking for new posts, it would make it easier to jump back to the summary and check for changes, particularly when it's not one of the first few posts in the thread. Also, as has been observed in other discussions about A&I, people sometimes have tendency to not be clear on the latest information before jumping into the fray. A posted link back would make it clearer when there is new factual information.

Of course, it's more work, which is a down side.
Thanks Bleeb.

As you may have noticed with all the recent accidents, that we have been trying to refine the process of keeping threads as on track as possible and relevant to the discussion. Several of us have also been discussing the ways to improve this process, so any additional feedback from the audience is appreciated.

Don't be shy, tell us what you like and what you don't like. There is no guarantee that all suggestions can/will be implemented, but they can help shape the overall direction.

One final thought. No matter how things are handled, there will always be a percentage that thinks it should be done differently. If you don't speak up or make sure your opinion is well represented, please don't complain if you don't like the outcome.
I know it takes a long time....sometimes years for an accident investigation to conclude.....It would be nice if a conclusion or summary to be posted or linked to the thread. New to SB....


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