A couple of questions

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Four of us will be heading down to the island next week and I have a couple of questions:

What is the least expensive mode of transportation from the airport to Aqua Safari/Safari Inn? How much can we expect to pay?

Does anyone have a favorite internet cafe? I understand that they're less expensive away from Rafael Melgar. How much less expensive? Should I drag my laptop with me or would this be more trouble than it's worth?

Does Block Buster videos require a deposit? Any idea how that would work?

Thanks in advance for any expert advice.

Four of us will be heading down to the island next week and I have a couple of questions:

What is the least expensive mode of transportation from the airport to Aqua Safari/Safari Inn? How much can we expect to pay?

Does anyone have a favorite internet cafe? I understand that they're less expensive away from Rafael Melgar. How much less expensive? Should I drag my laptop with me or would this be more trouble than it's worth?

Does Block Buster videos require a deposit? Any idea how that would work?

Thanks in advance for any expert advice.


Unless you schlep all your gear over a hundred yards out to the street, your only way to get to your hotel from the airport is by the shuttles, which are huge Suburban SUV's that hold about 12 plus luggage. The Safari is in town, I believe, so I think it'll be about 6 bucks each.

If you shlep to the street, it will be a little cheaper, but not much.

I use the Calling Station on the main drag, and IIRC it's 6 bucks an hour to use one of their computers on a fairly high speed connection. I wouldn't drag a laptop down there, but YMMV.

I have no clue about Blockbuster (my guess is that you'd sign a credit card voucher for a deposit), though I wonder why in the world anyone would want to rent movies on Cozumel. I never even turn on the TV in the room; it's one of the things I go to Cozumel to get away from. ;^)
Sorry to disagree with you on a number of counts. I weigh 135 pounds and it is nothing for me to take my one giant suitcase (which is on wheels) and my carry-on to the street. There you can catch a taxi (as someone said on another board, there are more taxis than people in Cozumel) to Aqua Safari. The rates are regulated and the fee for anyplace within town is 20 pesos, or 2 dollars, regardless of how many people are in the taxi. I'd throw in a buck tip for my bag. You are vastly overpaying ($6 x the 12 people in the van = $72!) PLUS you are left waiting for the vans to fill and everyone to get their poop in a pile. Folks are still arguing at the airport and I'm on my way to my destination.

Secondly, you shouldn't pay any more than $1/hour for internet access. One or two blocks back from Melgar and you can't swing a cat without hitting a place providing internet access.

Sorry - can't comment on the Blockbuster question - I'm like you, Gordon - the most I do is watch English TV with Spanish subtitles to help me expand my vocabulary!

Unless you schlep all your gear over a hundred yards out to the street, your only way to get to your hotel from the airport is by the shuttles, which are huge Suburban SUV's that hold about 12 plus luggage. The Safari is in town, I believe, so I think it'll be about 6 bucks each.

If you shlep to the street, it will be a little cheaper, but not much.

I use the Calling Station on the main drag, and IIRC it's 6 bucks an hour to use one of their computers on a fairly high speed connection. I wouldn't drag a laptop down there, but YMMV.

I have no clue about Blockbuster (my guess is that you'd sign a credit card voucher for a deposit), though I wonder why in the world anyone would want to rent movies on Cozumel. I never even turn on the TV in the room; it's one of the things I go to Cozumel to get away from. ;^)
100% right on MMM. Calling station might be the most expensive on the island. You have to get off Melgar to get good food anyway, so do internet after dinner and skip the video. Don't haul your laptop.

adios don O
Any off-Melgar recommendations?
Nope. These places come and go a fair bit and one I used last year next to Costa Brava is gone. I have used a place around the corner from Villa Las Anclas and up a bit toward 15th but darned if I can remember precise directions or which street it's on. Also one that used to be right down the street but it was sweltering in there in the summer. Rates are posted outside the shop usually and one is pretty much the same as the next. I think Rock'n'Java (across from Costa Brava) allows its customers free internet access.

Really and truly, all you have to do is walk a four block perimeter from Aqua Safari and you will find all kinds of them.

Any off-Melgar recommendations?
Sorry to disagree with you on a number of counts. I weigh 135 pounds and it is nothing for me to take my one giant suitcase (which is on wheels) and my carry-on to the street. There you can catch a taxi (as someone said on another board, there are more taxis than people in Cozumel) to Aqua Safari. The rates are regulated and the fee for anyplace within town is 20 pesos, or 2 dollars, regardless of how many people are in the taxi. I'd throw in a buck tip for my bag. You are vastly overpaying ($6 x the 12 people in the van = $72!) PLUS you are left waiting for the vans to fill and everyone to get their poop in a pile. Folks are still arguing at the airport and I'm on my way to my destination.

Secondly, you shouldn't pay any more than $1/hour for internet access. One or two blocks back from Melgar and you can't swing a cat without hitting a place providing internet access.

Sorry - can't comment on the Blockbuster question - I'm like you, Gordon - the most I do is watch English TV with Spanish subtitles to help me expand my vocabulary!

No apology necessary; you can disagree all you want; it doesn't bother me.... ;^)

YMMV and DSFDF, but for me, the schlep to the street is definitely not worth the few bucks and even fewer minutes I'd save over using the shuttles, especially since traveling light is not in my vocabulary. I've never waited longer than about 10 minutes at the airport for a shuttle; what's your hurry? I'm on island time...

As to the fare being the same regardless of how many people are in the taxi, that's not the case; it's the same for one or two people, but for three or more, the fare goes up, and carrying more than 5 is illegal in anything but a van. Those 6 people would need two regular taxis at least, and if they are hauling as much equipaje as we do, they'd need three.

It may well be true that internet access is cheaper elsewhere, but my typical bill for a Calling Station session is three bucks. That's hardly going to break me, and it's right there in the middle of things; once again, searching around for a cheaper option isn't worth it to me. If you are spending so much time on line on Cozumel that the money makes a real diff to you, then you have a problem and an interdiction may be necessary. ;^)
Thanks for all the input. Forget the Blockbuster thing. I saw it on the map and wondered about the process. We're staying at the Safari Inn with no tv (which is a good thing) and I just thought that a movie at some point might be an option (never know when the weather goes bad). We're getting excited. We've got the fast boat reserved for the week and are looking forward to some great diving. Twice in the past we stayed at Iberostar and once at Plaza Las Glorias, but needed to do this trip on a shoestring budget. We're looking forward to exploring more of San Miguel and will definately eat at a variety of restaurants and intend to log on to SB and check emails frequently.

Thanks again.

Mike, Lisa, Beth, Tyler
YMMV and DSFDF, but for me, the schlep to the street is definitely not worth the few bucks and even fewer minutes I'd save over using the shuttles, especially since traveling light is not in my vocabulary. I've never waited longer than about 10 minutes at the airport for a shuttle; what's your hurry? I'm on island time...
I'm with you on this one Gordon. We don't travel lightly either. If you are traveling with a big enough group, you get one of the airport vans to leave right away. But if someone wants to walk out to the street to get a taxi, that's fine with me.

As for internet access, it is free at Caribe Blu, if you have your own laptop. I always take my iBook when I travel to use in conjunction with the UW photography and for watching DVD's during the travel to/from the island.
I think you're in luck... The Calling Station on Melgar (right by the photo center & sunglass store) can't be more than a block from Safari Inn. I'm assuming Safari Inn is above Aqua Safari's office right on the main drag. Correct me if I'm wrong.

In addition to it being a calling station, it provides internet access and I believe rents movies. Last month they were busy working on it putting in some cases for jewellry as well... one stop shopping. Maybe not the cheapest rates but it's going to be the closest.

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