A couple of PNW photo's for review, what are they

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Scuba Instructor
Reaction score
Earth, Seattle, USA
Here's a couple of new images with my C5050z and PT-015 housing, now I am only using video light, but these shots are with a macro lense.




And of course if you would like to see a few more...


This is my working folder that is subject to change at anytime.
1) Sea Robin eye...only seen pictures
2) Eggs of some sort...you can see the embryos
3) Octopus eye....no brainer
.5 for 3.... want to try again?

(grin) the link at the bottom shows a little more and may give it away. This is cold water diving... And the fish that laid those eggs was not happy to have me around and was taking its frustrations out on nearby rock last night apparently my dive buddies thought it was pretty funny, and the rock was getting hammered.
Very cool pictures Travis... I'm not good at taking pictures but I'm real good at lookin' at them. :D

Hey Cabby...

I don't know how you got that close to those eggs without getting attacked.

The bottom picture is a squid... the bittin' kind.
Uncle Pug your correct, nothing worse than a pissed off ling cod or cabezon on eggs to scare the snot out of you.... I have been hit a few times, and expected to get smacked by this one too, but my two buddies said the rock took a beating as it was trying to get my attention.
Well....I got the eggs!
I ran accross this trying to find out info on macro lenses.
My jaw is on the floor, these pictures are increadable!
just increadable!
how close were you? Does the macro really make that much difference? Does it increase the shakyness and decrease your light?

Good job again.

I’m totally jealous of your stubby squid shot. Lots of octos up here but I’ve only run across two squid. Great shots, keep ‘em coming.

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