5000 USERS !! ... * WELCOME michaengel *

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Well, michaengel, just became a Celeb of sorts without even knowing it ... User number 5000 in just under 18 months of the Forums being opened!!

Hows that for making a SPLASH within the Diving Industry?

Welcome aboard michaengel ...

Welcome to the neighbourhood !

let's go diving to celebrate. . . :D
I was sure it was gonna happen last night and actually stayed up to try and catch that magic 5000. Made it to 4996 and finally had to go to bed.

Welcome to the Board michaengel.

Good job King Neptune :yea:
5000, man I can remember when there was less than 100

Welcome to the board michaengel.

Herman... member #16 I think it was.
When I logged in after getting to work I noticed we were at 4999, but I got busy and couldn't watch for 5000!

Congrads and thanks to King Neptune, Lady Diver, and Tech Admin for all their hard work to build such a wonderful and successful site! [Just don't start charging us now that we're hooked! :]
Hi everybody

Thanks for the greet!!!
I feel very special being #5000
I wonder ...... do I get a door prize???
I'm going to celebrate by going diving tomorrow in the St.Lawrence - Brockville, Ontario - 2 wrecks
My secret is now out.
I'm michaengel also.
This was totally accidental.
I registered under my sons name because I was having problems getting registered under my own name barb.
I finally got some help from kingneptune so I am finally able to talk everyones ear off using barb so...... does this mean that the next person to register is the true #5000 or should you award it to me for all my trouble and frustration trying to get registered and logged in since May?
No, Barb, that just means that the tabloids will embarrass you for a while. Dodge the cameras for a few weeks, then show up to your support group: Darva Conger, Soy Bomb, & Monica Lewinski.


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