3 Cozumel Operators Reviewed

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I just got back from Cozumel 6/3/2005 and had the opportunity to dive with three different operators. First... Dressel Divers (http://www.dresseldivers.com); over-priced cattle boat that has a drop-em and fetch-em timetable. You are revenue...not a diver...get used to it.
Second, Dive Cozumel (http://www.divecozumel.net); excellent technical dive operation with safety standards/precautions not found everywhere on the island. They have a beautiful big boat with tons of room and twin turbo-charged Caterpillar Jets that make this one of the fastest around. Stephanie is quick to return e-mails and is an exceptional diver. Due to the overhead and cost of operating this boat it is sometimes unable to accomodate your diving request (read that as you need a back-up plan). They have Nitrox available ($10 per tank additional), 112 cu.ft. steel tanks (air only and $5 per tank extra). Lunch is included in the 3 tank dive package ($117 + extras as noted above) and is delicious! I actually thought that we were having lunch between the first and second dive when they brought out a small buffet of watermelon, canteloupe, honeydew, assorted crackers, a wheel of blue cheese, and other delectables. Between the 2nd and 3rd dive is when they actually had the luncheon buffet with meats, cheeses, breads, melons (again), and wonderful roasted peppers and slivered jalapenos. All of the dives were well orchestrated and selected the dive sites best suited for visibility, currents, lack of other dive operators on-site, and profile. The larger, faster boat allows them this luxury. Yes, they're more expensive. Yes, they're more conservative (1000 PSI to safety and 750 on deck is a bit *too* conservative in my estimation). They *are* more comfortable, they *are* more technically oriented, and they *are* fanatical about safety. Isn't your life worth a few extra bucks?
My third review is of the Careyitos and Advanced Divers (http://www.advanceddivers.com). When there weren't enough divers to go out on the Yellow Rose (Dive Cozumel) they made arrangements for me to dive with Ricardo and Tony. The Careyitos is an unspectacular dive boat capable of maintaining a steady 15-20 knots with it's twin engine diesel powered props. Designed to accomodate more than the 12 diver maximum they allow the boat has plenty of room during diving operations. Where this operator becomes TRULY SPECTACULAR is what you came here for in the first place...Diving! This is not a cookie cutter operation and they respect the variations in diver capabilities. They will increase the abilities of the novice diver and recognize the skills of the more advanced divers. 75 minutes of bottom time is not unusual to Advanced Divers. And it is not because they are staying shallow. Maximizing the exposure to the inherent differences in the bottom structure of the reef itself, starting in 80 and ending in 30 on the first dive and then starting in 60 and ending in 30 on the second dive gives you exposure to both the macro and micro reef environments. It is not unusual to experience everything from a 5 1/2 foot nurse shark to an inch-and-a-half mantis shrimp on the same dive. The people that have gone diving with Ricardo and Tony are almost evangelical in espousing the fantastic operation this is. You are made to feel welcome from the moment you step on the boat and the crew goes out of their way to ensure that you are welcomed, well-fed, and well-hydrated. Their safety precautions are exceptional, the professionalism is undeniable, and the most important fact is that these are people that after thousands of dives are still enthusiastic, curious, and infectious about this sport. Diving with them spoils you for anyone else. In my 26 years of diving and 1,554 logged entries; these are the best people to dive with. (2 tanks $77 + Nitrox @ $10 ea.) They also have discounts available for multi day diving.
Nice write up! Do either of the two ops that you liked offer diving on the eastern side of the island? I'd LOVE to hear about the dives that you did too.

Please. Pretty please.

Where in the midwest are you? Tell us mooooooooore.

Oh, and welcome to the board. :) Spectacular first post!
Penny don't beg for goodness sake! <grin>
kristi hager:
Penny don't beg for goodness sake! <grin>
I thought it was closer to whining......but if begging gets the job done I'm in. ;)
Thank you for your kind comments :-)
I don't know if Dive Cozumel (Yellow Rose) or Advanced Divers (Careyitos) offer diving on the Eastern Side of the island. My guess would be that of the two, DC would be the most likely candidate and would require a minimum of 8-10 divers to do it. They have a truly fast, large, comfortable (and expensive to operate) boat and as Rolando (the owner) put it "I need 'mo money"; so I'm sure he'd listen.
As far as more about me...I put Midwest as my place of residence because I spend most of my time in hotels and airports. Right now I'm in a dinky little town in Ohio, last week I was in Cozumel, the week before that I was in St. Louis, and the week before that Chicago. I've been diving for 26 years, certified under the ice of Lake Superior, NSS-CDS, IANTD, PADI, NAUI, and CMAS. I'll fill out my profile at a soon-to-be-determined date :-)
i agree with Pue, excellent report
Thank you for your kind comments :-)
Kind doesn't even come into play. :evil: They are honest......
I don't know if Dive Cozumel (Yellow Rose) or Advanced Divers (Careyitos) offer diving on the Eastern Side of the island. My guess would be that of the two, DC would be the most likely candidate and would require a minimum of 8-10 divers to do it. They have a truly fast, large, comfortable (and expensive to operate) boat and as Rolando (the owner) put it "I need 'mo money"; so I'm sure he'd listen.
I think that is going to be a future goal. Enough money and qualified divers to lure Rolando to the east side.......I 'might' want a little more experience first.
As far as more about me...I put Midwest as my place of residence because I spend most of my time in hotels and airports. Right now I'm in a dinky little town in Ohio, last week I was in Cozumel, the week before that I was in St. Louis, and the week before that Chicago. I've been diving for 26 years, certified under the ice of Lake Superior, NSS-CDS, IANTD, PADI, NAUI, and CMAS. I'll fill out my profile at a soon-to-be-determined date :-)
I'm in Cincinnati and drive to get to water......do you travel WITH gear?
And if you travel without how do you manage the withdrawal?
Snorkeling in the hotel swimming pool?

Which dinky town? I grew up in a Cleveland suburb and I've been all over the whole state (southeast too....mmmm glass factories....)

Answer my questions and the air stays in the cylinder..........:hehe:
Thank you for your kind comments :-)
Right now I'm in a dinky little town in Ohio, QUOTE]

Don't tell me Marietta (such a small world, ya never know....)
i agree with Pue, excellent report
Yeah.....but that's just cause you know I have flea powder. :sly:
the Flea does not fear flea powder... much...

the Flea did try to eat flea powder with cornflakes once, but the results
were somewhat explosive...

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