Well, its been a bit in the making, but now theres only 10 days until I'll be in Bonaire! My father and I will be staying at the GRI until the 5th for anyone who's looking for some dive buddies by the way
So, right now im planning on packing all of my dive gear (minus tank and weights) into my carry on (Dads renting), and I'll be diving in a 3 mil. Besides leaving nothing in our rental truck, and keeping the windows down, does anyone have any additional suggestions for the trip? It is all shore diving at the moment with tanks supplied by Wannadive, but we are hoping to do atleast one or maybe two boat dives. Mainly I'm just excited to be diving in a location with more than 15 ft of vis
I'll be sure to post up plenty of photos and a full trip write up as soon as I get back!
Happy Diving!

Happy Diving!
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