My wife has a genetic disease called Stargardt's disease(aka juvenile macular degeneration) and she is legally blind. She has some vision, but only in her periphery and she has a large black spot covering most of her vision. She is young and incredibly healthy otherwise, but her vision is very...
Today in Key Largo blind land clinic skills prepare instructors and dive buddies to work with visually impaired and blind divers in and out of the water. You can learn more about how to work with blind divers in the Diveheart adaptive instructor & buddy on line training...
How we can help those who are blind enjoy diving?
What does Blind Skiing have to do with Adaptive Diving??? Find out here…;!
#blindskiing #visuallyimpaired #veteranswithdisabilities #blind #tbi#traumaticbraininjuries #sci #spinalcordinjury #cp #cerebralpalsy #hope#healing #scubatherapy
About this website...
I raised a blind child, guided and taught blind skiers for decades and have worked with blind divers since i became a scuba instructor over twenty years ago. With the rise of standard scuba training agencies getting into the adaptive scuba business i thought it important to bring up a...
How does Diveheart use the full face mask to help Blind divers See
Dan Describes How Diveheart's Scuba Training Benefits the Visually Impaired
Diveheart's mission is to increase confidence and…
You can help the Blind to Experience Zero Gravity Too....Find out how at
Diveheart added 4 new photos — at Bukit Kiara Equestrian & Country Resort.
3 hrs · Kuala Lumpur ·
Diveheart Instructor Training Program in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia with Jim Elliott on the Visually...
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