
  1. squalus357


    The Wreck of the Heroine and The Wreck of the Mary Arnold. Two awesome wrecks in RI! We through in the stern of the U853 for good measure. See more at squalusmarine.com
  2. squalus357

    U-853 Part II (Video) 2 Part Series on German U-Boat

    Here is our second exploration on The U-853. We were able to get back out on the sub on the 4th of July. Here are both videos and the newest is the second. If you would like to see more dive videos, check out squaulsmarine.com! Part one, Exploring the bow. Part two exploring the stern.
  3. squalus357

    DIVING THE GERMAN U-853 (Video)

    DIVE THE GERMAN U-BOAT U-853. Dive number 115, Explore a piece of world history as we take a brief dive on The U-853. One of the last of German's U-Boats lost at the end of WWII. The U853 was lost in May 1945 just east of Block Island in Rhode Island USA.
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