tbi therapy

  1. DiveHeart

    How can Scuba Therapy help those with Traumatic Brain Injuries?

    How can Scuba Therapy help those with Traumatic Brain Injuries? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vgZaC7eU10s&feature=youtu.be =AZV-V3B66xY426i9Bg_XGTQ5Oo_Zbg-WC0xYCFuzovQLYAAenz_nozm5G084uNAMw-NekaBuYRuJ3UMzTBZ6jiUHObzG-jYiYH4-FYvvLjJRgQ&__tn__=*NK-R']#tbisurvivor...
  2. DiveHeart

    A Traumatic Brain Injury Can't Stop this Young Aquanaut!

    He wanted to be a firefighter before his Traumatic Brain Injury, but now this young Aquanaut finds his independence in Zero Gravity! https://issuu.com/hinsdalemagazi…/…/hm_sept2019_digital_1/62#traumaticbrianinjury #tbi #scubatherapy #rehabilitation #freedom#aquanaut
  3. DiveHeart

    Scuba Therapy Can Help Those With TBI...Want to Learn More???

    Have a friend or someone your know with a Traumatic Brain Injury??? Then Show them This... THEN...Send them to their local Scuba Shop for Scuba Therapy. If the Scuba Shop can't or won't help then, send the Owner of the Shop and your friend here http://diveheart.org/training/get-started/...
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