tax break

  1. DiveHeart

    New IRS program let's you help Diveheart and reap the benefits!

    We hope you don't miss this opportunity to give to Diveheart and get a $300 tax deduction. Thank you.
  2. DiveHeart

    New tax break lets you donate to your favorite charity!

    New donation tax break lets you give to your favorite charity =AZXy0jRS84kqr6silVfo1jNWinrshLnqO89A71pjLc_0CfSp5-rSEv59Hov-M9oISfIFwxeqy_Y0BSHhXP9R-LU4qE_hJHiJsH5saqy7kggqncz69uViKoJh6BTQLdXOn9w&__tn__=*NK-R']#donation...
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