
  1. Q

    published science to support release of serotonin at depth 1 atm or 6 atm?

    Dear All, I am currently writing a scientific article and the topic covers vascular physiology and serotonin. I would like to know if anyone knows anything about specific depth at which serotonin is most likely to be released. I have heard in conversation 55 or 60ft but I was hoping to find or...
  2. Splash151

    SNRI VS. SSRI - Advice Needed

    Good Afternoon - I am currently on 150mg of Effexor XR for treatment of Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. I have been on it for 10 months after using Cymbalta prior for 2 years and then moving overseas where it was no longer available. In November, I had completed a dive physical at Dan...
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