sony a6400

  1. Guitarcrazy

    New Camera Setup: Sony A6400, Nauticam housing, WWL-C

    I found a deal on a used A6400 package and took the jump from the Canon G7Xii to the mirrorless setup. I just returned from a trip to Cozumel and I was happy with some of the photos I was able to get. The Sony package is probably 40 to 50% larger and heavier than the Canon setup. This made it...
  2. Guitarcrazy

    New Photo Rig, Suggestions?

    Hello. I just purchased a Sony A6400 with Nauticam housing and Nauticam WWL-C wet wide angle and am looking for suggestions on lenses and settings. I have been using a Canon G7XII previously. I have other Sony cameras and have the 16-50 kit lens, 30mm macro which I understand isn't great...
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