richelieu rock

  1. Richelieu Reverie - Richelieu Rock, Andaman Sea 【リチュリューロック】アンダマン海、タイ

    Richelieu Reverie - Richelieu Rock, Andaman Sea 【リチュリューロック】アンダマン海、タイ

    Richelieu Rock is famous for its colours, notably its anemone patches and the purple, pink and white soft-coral found from the shallows to depths of around 30 meters. YouTube:
  2. 1001 Rays - RIchelieu Rock - Thailand【千夜一夜エイ物語】リチュリューロック - 2020

    1001 Rays - RIchelieu Rock - Thailand【千夜一夜エイ物語】リチュリューロック - 2020

    In 2019-2020, a strongly positive phase of the Indian Ocean Dipole brought colder waters and unusual visitors to the Andaman Sea… YouTube:
  3. Hunting at Richelieu Rock & Tachai Pinnacle - Andaman Sea - Thailand

    Hunting at Richelieu Rock & Tachai Pinnacle - Andaman Sea - Thailand

    Hunting at Richelieu Rock & Tachai Pinnacle - Andaman Sea - Surin and Similan Islands National Parks - Thailand 2018-2018 Music: Acappela Georgian polyphonic singing, posted online by Katya Chiganova YT:
  4. Diving in the Similan and Surin Islands National Parks - season 2018-2019

    Diving in the Similan and Surin Islands National Parks - season 2018-2019

    A few seasonal highlights in the Similan and Surin Islands National Parks Andaman Sea - Thailand - 2018-2019 season [shot on a GoPro 4 Silver] YT:
  5. Laval

    Diving in Andaman Sea - Myanmar and Thailand - SY Diva Andaman

    This was a Ray of Hope Expedition (March 4 to 12, 2019), led by Dr. Andrea Marshal, Queen of Mantas, and he husband Janneman Conradie. Please refer to a short video about this trip: Our group gathering point was Khao Lak, with a nearest airport being at Phuket some 1.5 hr away from Khao Lak...

    Early Bird 5% OFF Similan & Richelieu Rock DiveRace Class E Liveaboard

    Early Bird 5% OFF =1']DiveRace Class E Liveaboard Similan & Richelieu Rock Departures from December 2019 through April 2020 FREE DAN dive insurance =1']Check details and availability-->
  7. Diva Marine

    SY Diva Andaman - Reviews

    We welcome feedback and reviews of your experience out at sea with us.
  8. Matt Newkirk

    Diving Thailand’s Similan and Surin Islands

    The Similan and Surin Islands are some of Thailand's most popular dive destinations. Most of the visitors to these islands do so on liveaboard dive boats, but it is possible to catch a speedboat and dive the same sites while staying in mainland Thailand. Diving Thailand’s Similan and Surin...
  9. L

    Where to dive in Thailand

    Hello dear forum members! Me and my best friend are traveling to Thailand in february 2019. We are passionate divers (I am advanced, he is OWD) and therefore also want to explore the colourful underwater world of Thailand. We´ve been thinking of a liveaboard for about 3 days or something, but...
  10. Pearlman

    Cuttlefish Waltz

    Finally I started processing my gopro videos from 2014 onwards .. hopefully I will have one new video ready every week. Here is the first one I uploaded - this one is from 2015 from an afternoon dive at Richelieu Rock in Similan Isles. Gear was GoPro Hero 3+ with SRP Dome Red filter on a...
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