Without a doubt, a world class diving site. Amazing, wild, remote, unspoiled, and hopefully we will keep it that way for future generations. All my childhood dreams came true in Revillagigedo, words cannot express the feelings of awe and humbleness I experienced in the...
About 300 miles off the coast of Mexico is the Revillagigedo Archipelago. This region provides a great opportunity to observed Manta Rays which are also very friendly to divers. I shot this video on a Panasonic GH5 in a Nauticam housing.
Some of us from Scubaboard including myself, @Soloist, @uncfnp and @Nancy MacD will be boarding Nautilus Belle Amie, heading to Revillagigedo archipelago or better known as Socorro. The boat has Wi-Fi access via satellite. So we thought it is a good opportunity to do a Real Time Review (RTR) of...
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