
  1. A

    Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss in Diving: my case, review, conclusions.

    After 40 years of diving, it was my turn to get SSHL. I want to communicate my experience, the things I learned, and some advice. Disclaimer: I am not a doctor; this is all based on my experience dealing with this serious issue. 1. My case I was freediving to around 20 feet, when my left ear...
  2. L

    Possible Perilymph fistula?

    Hello! Yesterday I felt numb after reading about Perilymph fistulas I have been having bad symptoms for almost a year now and the doctors have not given me a diagnosis, and then I read about this Fistula and everything seemed to add up. I am hoping that someone has some time to read my story...
  3. D

    How do I get a doctor to take me seriously?

    In August I followed bad advice and did a sinus rinse and then blew the water back into my middle ears using the valsalva maneuver. I managed to overfill the middle ear and felt a twinge of pain lasting 3 seconds. The next day I noticed my left ear screaming, so I stupidly did the same thing...
  4. J

    Hearing loss after dive... Possible PLF / seeking advice / treatment

    Hello all, I'm posting this in hopes of finding options to treat what seems to be an inner ear barotrauma I suffered 25 days ago. My story and timeline is such: Day 1: Initial snorkel trip; dive down about 2.5 meters, perform Valsalva maneuver; ear barely clears; 2 min later extreme tinnitus...
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