
  1. thecutestdiver

    PFO Closure - Medical Tourism, Cost, Locations/Doctor Recs (Outside USA)

    Hi all! My husband and I are new divers. We learned that he has a PFO through an unfortunate DCS incident. He is ok but would like it closed to get cleared to dive again. Insurance is not covering the closure. We were quoted $69,000 for out of pocket. We are interested in potential travel to...
  2. B

    PFO Closure resulting in more migraines?

    Hi All, I am a first time poster. Please delete if this breaks any rules or if I’ve posted this in the wrong place. I had a PFO closure done 3+ weeks ago due to multiple “undeserved” DCS hits with conservative profiles and other conservative measures. They found I had a small PFO (moderate...
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