
  1. thecutestdiver

    PFO Closure - Medical Tourism, Cost, Locations/Doctor Recs (Outside USA)

    Hi all! My husband and I are new divers. We learned that he has a PFO through an unfortunate DCS incident. He is ok but would like it closed to get cleared to dive again. Insurance is not covering the closure. We were quoted $69,000 for out of pocket. We are interested in potential travel to...
  2. B

    PFO Closure resulting in more migraines?

    Hi All, I am a first time poster. Please delete if this breaks any rules or if I’ve posted this in the wrong place. I had a PFO closure done 3+ weeks ago due to multiple “undeserved” DCS hits with conservative profiles and other conservative measures. They found I had a small PFO (moderate...
  3. LivR95

    [Question] UK Divers - Experiences with PFO testing and repair with NHS and private insurance

    Hi there, I’m looking for some advice in terms of getting a PFO test (transoesophageal echocardiogram) after my recent diving trip to the Maldives and experience of decompression sickness. I’m a diver from the UK! I was diving in Fuvahmulah (absolutely incredible diving!) last month and was on...
  4. Fabian Guggenberger

    Any experience with long-term symptoms after gas embolism?

    Hi guys In April I suffered from an episode of DCS after two dives in south Lombok (No limits exceeded). 90 minutes after surfacing my vision changed, parts of my body got numb and I felt pain in my chest. One hour of oxigen cured the symptomes. But since circulation problems (high blood...
  5. giovyledzep

    PFO and Helium

    I remember hearing or reading somewhere that diving with Helium can be more dangerous to people with PFOs since it's a lighter and faster gas, so the bubbles can more easily pass to the left atrium. Has this been proven or is it just speculation? Any research about this? Thanks
  6. irsubmarine

    Going tech - Patent Foramen Ovale (PFO) testing?

    I had a girlfriend who happened to be a doctor who would research diving accidents when we would go on holiday. She did this to (presumably) scare me out of diving so I would spend more time with her. :cuddles: She brought up PFO based on a number of incidents she research and I learned how...
  7. H

    Any pointers to nerve regeneration sites?

    My SO had, the conjecture is, a PFO which resulted in Spinal DCS leaving her with serious problems in the lower half of her body. Basically a very normal dive, which I've had thousands and she has had hundreds and nowhere close to deco. Normal slow ascent with a 3 minute safety stop at 15...
  8. S


    My partner has had DCS about 6 times throughout the year. So we went to the hospital in Malaysia and had some tests. We found out she has a hole in her heart. So she is going to go home to the UK and get it checked out and filled. But before she does, I just wanted to know will it help stop the...
  9. katbattt

    Possible PFO: Advice?

    I've been a recreational diver since 2008, made my way up to Divemaster and now have over 120 dives. Recently been thinking more and more that I might have a PFO and need some advice. Sorry for the long post, just thought it'd be better to post the whole story. I'm going to talk to LDC soon to...
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