
  1. crowndiver

    Question Lift bag with internal OPV confusing me

    I found this lift bag at a garage sale. It has an internal OPV, which is clearly intentional because there's a cord that runs down the inside to the opening at the bottom. I was messing around with it in the pool and while it holds air, the OPV doesn't seem to do anything. How does this thing...
  2. J

    [Wanted] Ancient Diverite wing OPV

    Hey all, I know this is not likely to turn anything up, but just in case...I am seeking an OPV for a 20+ year old Diverite RecWing. The OPV was discontinued over 20 years ago (according to the diverite support person I talked to), so I thought I'd ask here in case someone has a bunch of old...
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