
  1. J

    DUI drysuit with no valves? Probably some dumb questons...

    Hi everyone I am new to the forum and to scuba I have a question that should be an easy answer unfortunately I probably already know the answer but wanted some conformation and opinions, I have been looking at drysuits a little while for the cold water season mostly just for hull maintenance on...
  2. DevonDiver

    Article: Ultimate Guide - How To Set Up Your Sidemount Harness

    I put together another educational article for sidemount divers. This one focuses on how to set up and configure your sidemount harness. It specifically focuses on the 'mexican cave' (UK style) type of harness. Lots of principles and tips that are hopefully beneficial. As always, do let me...
  3. DevonDiver

    Some Hollis SMS100 modifications...

    I put together a short article detailing some of the super-simple modifications to the Hollis SMS100 sidemount that I've developed with students over the last few years. I get students for training in many different sidemount rigs and we do equipment set-up/tweaking workshops for all... but the...
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