
  1. DrMack

    For Sale 3D Printed SCUBA Themed Jewelry

    During this pandemic many of us have turned to crafts to bring in a trickle of income. My wife and I, like all of us, desperately miss our SCUBA adventures and our amazing community. So in the meantime, while we wait for this pandemic to play itself out either by the hand of nature or man, we...
  2. DiveFlagJewelry

    Coming Full Circle…From Jeweler to Communicator to Diver to Jeweler

    You may have seen Dive Flag Jewelry at Beneath the Sea in March, at June’s Scuba Show in Long Beach or at other dive expos across the country. They offer a selection of items—rings, necklaces, bracelets, anklets and key rings—all with the iconic divers down flag. The metal is bronze or brass...
  3. REEF HQ

    Lionfish Jewelry: Do It Yourself

    Join our invasive species specialist, Emily Stokes, as she walks us through information on the invasive lionfish and a creative way to help combat them: making jewelry! Tomorrow January 24 at 8PM EST. Sign up now at
  4. Jennifer Stacey


    DiveSilver DiveSilver is a true reflection of the real passions we have for the Sea: above, below at the water’s edge. True memories of amazing times shared together while doing what we love the most! Having spent years and years on, in and around the sea, the creator and designer, captain and...
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