iphone 14

  1. RealDiver81

    iPhone 15 into 14 adapter for Divevolk?

    Hello, I've been (happily) using a Divevolk SeaTouch 4 Max with an iPhone 14 for the past 1.5 years. I've upgraded to an iPhone 16 and bought a new SeaTouch Max Plus, so I'm reselling my old Divevolk second hand. Somebody is interested in buying it, however he has an iPhone 15 and we are not...
  2. serpentara

    Perdix 1 Not Connecting to iPhone 14 Pro Max/Shearwater Cloud Other Shearwaters OK

    Hi Folks, I finally made the switch to an iPhone after a decade of Android products. I have spent the last several days downloading apps and getting it setup. I am now on my loyal Shearwater computers. I have 3. The Petrel 2 controller for my rebreather and Nerd 2 connected to the iPhone 14...
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