handicapped scuba travel

  1. DiveHeart

    How can the Blind lead the Blind during Adaptive Scuba Training?

    The Blind Leading the Blind was a reality in Cozumel Mexico this week as Blind Vietnam Veteran and Diveheart friend, Rick Olson assisted Divemasters from Dive Paradise and Texas on the finer points of guiding the blind during Diveheart Adaptive training. Diveheart's land clinics are just some of...
  2. DiveHeart

    Happy Holidays from Diveheart...

  3. DiveHeart

    The Weather Gods Bless Diveheart....

    We dodged a bullet in Chicago and made it safely to Cozumel with 50 friends of Diveheart, 11 adaptive divers seven wheelchair users and two in fullface masks just hours before a major snowstorm. Our heart goes out to our dear friends in Chicago, who had to schlep cold dive gear to Schaumburg...
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