handicapped divers

  1. DiveHeart

    Diver passes before realizing his dream ...to go to depth again.

    Lenny you will be missed.... =AZWNTFYqeg0CNhTmrUYbYGwQoATmXUxcbrGdRgQJ0371w1Xe1_ie6MBmbBCrSgH3Um383Gldq5AbUcuySUxRilGyfPHSgsaMRWM1KZuS1Qyyj4QdK9ttspgxclowjPfkukw&__tn__=-]K-R']Diveheart friend and supporter Lenny Larson passed away on July 13th. Lenny was a Divemaster prior to his spinal cord...
  2. DiveHeart

    Remembering John Chatterton & Richie Kohler filming Dive Portal with Adaptive Divers

    Remembering diving with John & Richie filming Dive Portal at the Mall of America with Adaptive Divers...Happy 20th Anniversary Diveheart. https://www.diveheart.org/.../dive-portal-features.../...
  3. DiveHeart

    Air Force Pilot, Adaptive Diver, Physician talks about Scuba Therapy

    Learn firsthand from this Air Force Veteran Pilot, Adaptive Diver and Physician the benefits of Scuba Therapy. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bzjsfJac35Y...
  4. DiveHeart

    What is the learning curve for an adaptive diver?

    What is the learning curve for an adaptive diver? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NpxEIhfe_hY... =AZUNEYQvN4VcXsAenTphZfpguZ3eXCjA8dCTrGMALslqKJY664o1SVH39jEHFJaY9tJOMwvoy44BKNbKFjA1fcrbbk3mxKNeKA8JH9ulKw44t-l71o7-5qjDSEh99ti1Fxc&__tn__=*NK-R']#divetraining...
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