firmware update

  1. I

    Mares Quad Air and DiversDiary

    Hi there. New to the board so be gentle with me. I recently purchased a new Mares Quad Air with transmiter for a fantastic price. I realize that there are newer computers out there, but I wanted to get into the air integrated scene without jumping in head first... Anyway, 2 questions: 1. I am...
  2. PeeAir

    OCi dead (blank) after firmware upgrade

    Hello all! I attempted to download my latest dives from my OCi to my computer using Oceanic Ocean Log software. It failed to download after two attempts. I noticed the software had an update to version 2.5.0 (build 12.04.15). I updated it successfully. I then proceeded to checking the firmware...
  3. Jax

    Shearwater released a firmware v33 update Petrels 1&2

    From Shearwater Research Shearwater has released update firmware v33 for all Petrels. Go to your Shearwater Desktop menu, Dive Computer, Update firmware . . . Petrel Firmware V33 Released - Shearwater Research
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