
  1. M

    Info swagelok connector and hud

    hi in the hammerhead the cable connector are Swagelok SS500-1-4 i took a fathom hud to replace the computer and hud (jugersen marine) https://www.fathomdive.com/product/hud/ somebody have done this update? i took an swagelok SS-400-1-4...
  2. J

    Fathom Gemini WOB on partially used scrubber

    Had my Gemini for about 9 months now, recently completed MOD2. I've had a persistent issue with WOB when doing more than one dive on the same exhale scrubber. If I do, say, a 90 min dive on two fresh scrubbers, WOB is always great. Even at the end of a normal dive, it is still breathing...
  3. J

    Bailout Gas Plan on DiveProMe

    I recently completed my Mod1 on a Fathom Gemini and have been trying to do a bailout gas plan using the DiveProMe app. For some reason, when I press 'bailout', it isn't calculating open circuit gas consumption from the bottom depth, rather it is calculating it from the 1st stop on the ascent...
  4. MattK911

    FATHOM Dive Systems Q&A

    Hi everyone, I wanted to open up this forum to act as a Q&A for Charlie Roberson and I (Matt Key) for questions involving our rebreathers. We want to make ourselves available within the ScubaBoard Community, and answering any questions you may have involving our design, philosophy, or anything...
  5. Divelog Jim

    For Sale Bluefin Housing, Flat Port & Wide Angle Lens $2095 plus shipping

    I loved this housing and camera. The controls on the handles make filming easy. They are in good condition but the system no longer meets my needs. Housing / Camera Bundle includes: Lights & Motion Bluefin G30 housing Flat port Fathom 90 wide angle lens Monitor Shade Housing float extra...
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