
  1. E

    Dive instructor salary and conditions

    Hey everyone! I’ve been a dive instructor for a while and noticed how tricky it can be to find reliable information about salaries and working conditions at different dive centers. You expend lots of money to buy a flight ticket and get the place and then the work conditions are not like you...
  2. TideEcho

    Hello from Oman

    Hi everyone! I'm new to Scubaboard (just opened an account), though I've been a frequent visitor for some years now. I am currently in Oman doing an internship with Aura Divers and will be here for a few months. Oman is beautiful, and the dive sites at Daymaniyat Islands are lovely. I still need...
  3. Mahmoud Younes

    Divepro Regulator DAS-102-DIN-ICE 1st Stage

    Do anyone know anything about the regulators manufactured by Divepro? Any reviews for this model DAS-102-DIN-ICE balanced 1st stage regulator?
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