dive south florida

  1. pstrika

    divers-hub.com updates!

    Dear community - I've been working hard on improving divers-hub.com. A few updates: we now have 42 dive operators in the platform (from Stuart to Key West) from which 31 have live diving calendars in divers-hub.com. We have also updated the "Operators" section to provide a better view...
  2. pstrika

    Mapping Project in Miami-Dade County

    Hi all! As you may know, Miami-Dade County (MDC) is the only county in South FL that does not have high quality scuba diving sites 3D models available. Together with a fellow diver here in Miami (Alejandro) we are trying to raise funds to have 5 sites mapped. The idea is to have Reef-Smart...
  3. DiveHeart

    Tonight's the Night! See you at Diveheart Musicfest!

    Today is the day! The fun starts at 5:00 PM. Help us get the word out, tell your friends, share our page, spread the word!
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