dive physiology

  1. onepointfivethumbs

    Technical Diving Considerations for PRK/LASIK/LASEK

    Hi all. I am considering getting laser eye surgery in the next year to correct myopia and some astigmatism. I am a (civilian) pilot by trade so I am aware of some of the potential drawbacks (like halo) and some of the early military testing of PRK for pilots; I also seem to recall that there...
  2. Jill Heinerth

    How Your Diving Computer Works - Part One

    As the Suunto Diving Ambassador, I am making a series of short informational videos to help describe how diving computers work. This first episode looks at basic physics and physiology with tips on safe ascent procedures.
  3. TEKDiveUSA

    TEKDiveUSA.2020 Mark your calendars!

    We are hoping to see you at the next TEKDiveUSA! The event will kick off with a Barbecue on Friday the 24th followed by two days of conferences and exhibitions on April 25th and 26th, 2020. The Friday night BBQ on April 24th, 2020 is an opportunity to meet up with friends both old and new from...
  4. TEKDiveUSA

    Navigating Between Physiological Benefit and Harm in Diving

    How do you differentiate between practices which offer physiological benefit and harm in diving? Many practices have been offered with the promise of improving the physiological safety of diving. While some do, others have the potential to both hurt and harm. The adage "the dose makes the...
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