dive conditions

  1. E

    Dive instructor salary and conditions

    Hey everyone! I’ve been a dive instructor for a while and noticed how tricky it can be to find reliable information about salaries and working conditions at different dive centers. You expend lots of money to buy a flight ticket and get the place and then the work conditions are not like you...
  2. T

    best time of the year weather-wise and best chance of not getting rained out for diving the u352

    Hello my name is Tradd Edwards I am in Charleston. I am wondering the best time of the year for the least precipitation and the least chance of getting rained out to dive the u352.
  3. Key Largo Dive Center

    Reefs To Dive For - Key Largo Dive Center Reef Report

    Reefs To Dive For The daily reef report from Key Largo Dive Center. Photos and updates on diving conditions will be included here. Check back on a regular basis to see what's happening. www.KeyLargoDiveCenter.com (305) 451-5844 scuba@KeyLargoDiveCenter.com
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