dive agencies

  1. E

    Insurance and Certification Agencies

    I'm involved in technical + rebreather SCUBA and high power rocketry. Both sports have arguably high risk profiles, but the insurance costs are vastly different. Recreational high power rocketry polices itself effectively with nationwide training standards (NAR National Association of Rocketry...
  2. J

    Review Poor Quality of Agencies' Online Training

    I've recently switched from SSI recreational courses to TDI for deco procedures + advanced nitrox and I have to say, the quality of this TDI online training SUCKS. Disclaimers: I understand this is likely to ruffle feathers. No, I am not sponsored or trying to promote any particular agency...
  3. B N Coleman

    Info International Scuba Certification Agency (ISC)

    International Scuba Certification agency developed for Dive Centers by Dive Center owners. With offices in Australia (HQ), South Africa, and London. International Scuba Certification (DiveISC) is built for the benefit and support of the Dive Center. A 100% online diver training platform designed...
  4. DiveHeart

    Diveheart board member presents at commencement ....

    Presenting at a commencement speach for the Illinois Council on Developmental Disabilities Partners in Policymakers in Bloomington Illinois is just another amazing thing that Diveheart board member Bill Bogdan does on a regular basis. Huge thanks to Bill and all the Diveheart board members...
  5. maudiver216

    New member seeking advice on different agencies

    Hello all, I am an OW diver from South Florida and am looking to take my training one step further and take AOW courses. I've looked at a few different agencies to do this with and was looking for advice on what the best agency is to earn the AOW rating. Of the few that I've seen, I believe...
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