
  1. oakendal

    Question Neoprene Suit Sterilisation Recommendations

    Hello everybody, this is my first thread here on ScubaBoard so if I’ve put it in the wrong category, my apologies. Anyway, I’ve had a recent bout of MRSA and as an instructor I am constantly using my wetsuit. Therefore, I’m going to have to start sterilising my wetsuit instead of just regular...
  2. Capt I

    ? Prevent Zebra Mussel / Invasive Species Fresh Water Cross-Contamination

    What treatment can I apply to disinfect my dive equipment and inside my wing (without harming the gear, of course!) to prevent contamination of other bodies of water after having been diving for this past week in a freshwater lake that is rife with zebra mussels? I sure don’t want to be...
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