
  1. DiveHeart

    Decorations for Donations fuel Diveheart programs for kids, vets & others with disabilities

    Donations for Decorations! ITEX leaders join Diveheart today and the next two Fridays from 11am to 1pm at Diveheart world headquarters at 5100 main street in Downers Grove IL to help liquidate a thousand square feet of holiday decorations that was recently donated to Diveheart. Everyone is...
  2. DiveHeart

    Can You Stop by the Diveheart Decoration Station Today in Downers Grove?

    In Downers Grove Today??? Stop by the Diveheart Decoration Station at 5100 main street next to Peets Coffee and make a Donation for some Awesome Decorations that help fund Diveheart programs for children, veterans and others with disabilities. #holiday, #christmas #santa#nutcrackers #snowman...
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