decision making

  1. M

    ScubaSpa: Raja Ampat (including Misool) or Maldives (not Deep South route)

    deciding between these two (probably) once in a lifetime liveaboards in March or April. Will be my last liveaboard for a while. Which one should I do? Both are 8 days, 7 nights Maldives is $7500 Raja Ampat is $9500 3rd option would be Galapagos ($7k) but I live in east coast US so I feel...
  2. JoeFen

    Hello, I'm looking for divers to take part in my dissertation project.

    Hello, my name is Joseph, I am in my final year at the University of Chichester studying for a degree in Outdoor and Adventure Education. I am looking for qualified scuba divers to take part in my dissertation project by filling in a short form about decision-making. I have created 5 scenarios...
  3. fsardone

    Three strikes and you are out - A rebreather tale

    Hello everybody, A little near miss (or two) which ended up with an aborted dive no consequences, but the thought process might provide points to ponder. Me and a frequent buddy meet at a lake location for a fairly deep dive. Plan is to follow a guideline starting at shore, follow it to a...
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