compressor oil

  1. kate88

    Bauer Compressor Specifications

    Hi scuba world! I am collecting data on compressor operating parameters. If anyone on here owns a Bauer compressor, any model is helpful but especially a Vertecon or Verticus, please comment or message me! I am interested in knowing: Model: Age (years): Hours: Oil pressure while running: Oil...
  2. phgachoud

    Breathing Compressor Oil characteristics

    Bought a coltri MCH6. Air filter was changed 1 year ago and used for a few minutes only. On the first fill of my tanks the air was wierd. Am waiting for a replacement cartidge, but takes it time to get here in south america :(. Filling my tanks and specially after when turning off the...
  3. tmassey

    Suggestions for oil change for 6CFM Poseidon/Bauer compressor?

    It's spring, when a diver's thoughts turn to... compressor maintenance! :) I've got some questions, so I'll start separate threads for each. This one is abut changing the oil. I also have questions about filter cartridges, as well as startup/shutdown procedures. A bit about my compressor...
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