
  1. Nicool

    UPY, DPG Masters & Ocean Art Competitions: winners & judging process discussion with Alex Mustard & Nicolas Remy

    Hi Scubaboarders,. If you're into photo competitions, The Underwater Club's next webinar (next week) might interest you. It's a sequel of the event we ran last year, when Alex Mustard and I discussed our favorite shots amongst the winners of UPY / DPG Masters / Ocean Art. The plan this time...
  2. Nicool

    Creative Motion Blur technique (slow shutter speed)

    Hi there, I thought this might of interest to some: I am giving an online talk next month (22/23rd November) on how to use motion blur to fabricate textured background (all in-camera), a technique which I really like to use (some of my shots attached). It is based on using a very slow shutter...
  3. Nicool

    Selecting photos from competitons Webinar (17/18sep)

    Hi all, I am hosting a webinar on selecring photos for competition, thought it might be of interest to some. There are 2 slots to choose from: one on Sunday evening (US time) and one on Monday evening (Australian time) or Monday morning (Europe). you can secure your spot there: Buy tickets for...
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