
  1. treasurechaser

    Wreck Hunters - The Mayflower (Canada) - Combermere, Ontario - 2016

    I have been sitting on this footage for a few years. This wreck is kind of hard to get to unless you have your own boat. I did not. I called a local restaurant and fortunately after speaking with the manager I was able to find a boat and captain who would take us from The Bent Anchor Restaurant...
  2. treasurechaser

    Mayflower Shipwreck near Combermere, Ontario

    We have the coordinates, we visited the museum, we lost an anchor, we did not find the wreck. It does exist and has been cataloged by SOS and filmed, we did find a small piece of wood that may have been off the mayflower, as the curator of the local Mayflower museum had similar pieces among his...
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