
  1. onepointfivethumbs

    Gear & Training Priorities for broke college student

    Like the title says, I'm a broke college student with an inconsistent income and expense schedule. I did PADI OWD two years ago and bought all my skin diving stuff from my LDS. I was close to pulling the trigger on a Suunto Zoop Novo that the owner was really hot to sell me but I decided to...
  2. T

    Divers Needed for Interviews, Please Read!!!!

    Hi all- My name is Talia and I am a student at New York University studying media as it relates to the ocean. I am looking for divers to interview for my senior thesis project. Specifically, I am looking for divers to describe their experiences and the different animals/ etc. they have...
  3. DiveHeart

    Diveheart's College Partner Receives National Professional Writing Award

    Diveheart is proud to sit on the College of DuPage’s (COD) Professional Writing Advisory Board and proud of their recent national award. The COD Professional Writing Certificate program recently received the Diana Hacker Outstanding Programs in English Award from the National Two-Year College...
  4. DiveHeart

    Today Diveheart joins professional writing panel at College of DuPage

    Diveheart's participation in today's professional writing panel at the College of DuPage is just one example of how Diveheart's "Outreach & Education" program grows awarness about the benefits of Scuba Therapy for people with disabilities. If your school, club, business or other organization...
  5. Peter Buzzacott

    Latest research asks: Who are active divers?

    Recreational scuba divers are not that well described. The challenge researchers face is finding a representative sample. For example, if we conduct a survey of ScubaBoard members then that might be biased towards one segment of our community, but ignore others. Same if we survey dive club...
  6. J

    Environmental jobs and scuba diving

    Hello. I just recently started diving and will be taking my test next week to be certified. I love diving and plan to continue taking classes to become a rescue diver or dive master. This winter I'm already signed up to be certified in nitrox and take the advanced diving course. I am also...
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