
  1. S

    My first ever oh sh*t moment. (CO2 hit?)

    I had my first scare on a night boat dive recently, and want to share the story for my own sake, but also in case there is anything for others to learn. Sorry for the long wall of text... Lead up We were a group from the local dive club heading out on a usual evening boat dive, diving in teams...
  2. divinh

    Long Covid, CO2 Retention

    BBC reporter's long Covid. The thing that caught my eye was the caption that said her breathing made her retain too much CO2, which is an obvious concern for divers... Long Covid: Will I ever get better?
  3. O

    O2 Analyzers

    I have always realized tanks at the shop when picking them up but now that I have 10 tanks and one may sit for an entire summer to the spring and I want to get into the habit of testing them again before the dive or at least when packing the car before a weekend of diving. Almost every shop I...
  4. northernone

    Pco2 Sensor Instinct Broken?

    Looking for illumination on a concern regarding my potentially broken or warped co2 sensor from apnea training in combination with deeper or more strenuous OC diving. My background is pleasure freediving and now that I'm getting more conscientious as a scuba diver I'm concerned with my apnea...
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